Title: zodiac01.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/zodiac01.zip
Size: 297.47 KB
Date: 07/05/04
Author: Milian
Description: This is Map 01 of a series of 12 Maps, each dedicated to a sign of the zodiac.
Credits: Martin for testing it. Frau Loewenherz (whoever she is) whose zodiac sign images I found somewhere on the net.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 3 months.
Editor(s) used:
Bugs: In some outside areas the sky cuts some walls. But you have to watch out for that bug to notice it.
Rating: (3 votes)
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for various reasons i went back to play this tonight. really don't know why i got stuck before. it's long, quite non-linear in some sections and not easy but does all make complete sense. good job! -Cybersharkx
I liked it, a lot, except for a couple things, which may be on my side. The one room with all the water, and 2 suits next to it. For some reason, i appeared to only be able to swim ABOVE the water, in the air, rather than under it. That may have been intentional though, but im not sure why. The other is that ammo balance seemed pretty low, though that again, might be my fault. Around that exact same room, i started running out of shooty things. x

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