Title: Zombie
Filename: levels/doom2/Ports/v-z/zombie.zip
Size: 796.02 KB
Date: 03/05/22
Author: Clippy Clippington
Description: Your years of tax evasion have caught up to you and you have been sentenced to be CRUSHED! OUCHY! But this means you will miss your best friend's birthday and he's not having that, plus you still own him 5 bucks. After you die he invents a time machine and tells you to go back in time to save yourself but you get addicted to video lottery terminals and are late and show up only to watch yourself get crushed!! Oh the HORROR! Now the space time continuum is distorted and you find yourself somehow hanging on with 1% health and desperately ripping the walls apart for blueberry drinks and maybe some copper pipes to steal and sell at the junk yard to pay your bookies. Also demons are after you because you know the winning lottery numbers, don't let em have it or the Hell Knights will buy a new Cadillac! Will you save the day in time to attend your best friends birthday and get some sweet sweet cake and get that date with Betty too? The choice is YOURS
Credits: I want to give a shoutout to Dannarchy who has been testing all my maps lately!
Base: New from scratch
Build time: less than a week she's tiny
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder
Bugs: You can actually become a Zombie in limit removing which is kinda cool
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