Title: Adage
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/adage.zip
Size: 110.8 KB
Date: 07/15/14
Author: Obsidian
Description: 1 map for vanilla Doom to celebrate the birthday of WildWeasel on Doomworld and the ZDoom forums. Hope you had a good one dude. :)
Credits: Id Software for Doom II CodeImp of Doom Builder 2 SirJuddington for SLADE3 Exl for WhackEd4
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Made in the space of one day
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, SLADE3, WhackEd4
Bugs: None
Rating: (12 votes)
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Small, and layout seems to fit a deathmatch level more, but it's quite fun actually. A bit easy in overall and a bit difficult at the end, but quite solid otherwise.x
It was pretty fun. really short though. x
Looks nice, is fun to play, but only really short and easy. 3/5x
Very small, nicely decorated map with gameplay sadly based on monster popups. Ambiance is fine, but gameplay is very short and imho not quite inspiring, so it's a one-play map. Overall: 2 + 1 for the birthday present = 3/5.x
too small and easy even for speedmapx
Just a average map. On ya WildWeasel hope ya had a good birthday.x
Do not like that well, but was not that bad.x

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