Title: Alien Invasion
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/alien.zip
Size: 63.79 KB
Date: 09/02/02
Author: Ismaele (Alberto Sposito)
Description: .txt file. But, if you want enjoy yourself, I suggest that you DO
Credits: Id Software, for making Doom.

Base: Completely new level from scratch.
Build time: I don't know!! But not much!
Editor(s) used: WinDEU 32, WadAuthor.
Bugs: I think there is no bug, but if you find a bug, send me an e-mail!

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Rating: (4 votes)
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To be honest, I didn't like this map at all. It's medium sized and looks like a work from the very beginning of Doom editing. Rectangle rooms with almost no detail, and gameplay is much too easy, except for the final room, where suddenly an enormous horde of monsters appeared. So, as to gameplay, it seems a bit unbalanced to me. 1.5/5 -Milianx

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