Title: Annihilation 2
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/an_coop2.zip
Size: 182.97 KB
Date: 04/09/97
Author: Michal Mesko
Description: Large, original, tough, balanced, beautiful, my best and my last one.
Credits: id software, authors of DETH, NWT, ZENNODE and my beta testers Adrian, Adelusion and Steve
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: 4 days of building 6 days of betatesting 3 days without electricity 1 day of waiting for one of my beta tester's report which never came + some final corrections
Editor(s) used: DETH, NWT, ZENNODE
Bugs: None ( If you find any, then don't blame me but my beta testers. ;) )
Rating: (9 votes)
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Getsu Fune
very well done, great progression. didn't like the one trap with the max damaging slime at the end though.x
Quality design and engaging semi-challenging gameplay, worth your time.x
Loved it. Great design, unfolds like a puzzle box, and a great mix of ammo and enemies. I usually hate the laser cannon and don't use it, but this WAD does a great job with a progression through the weapons and I found myself lazerblastin' through the end of the level. Just sweet, and '97? Badass.-5/5 SwippyFingersx
fuckin cool '97 mapx
Pretty good.x
Outstanding map. Fun to play - tricky throughout, but not overly difficult. Great connectivity, and it's always fairly clear where you need to go next.x
I got tired of playing it... then again, I got tired of playing Doom for the day... :) I loved the architecture (sp?) of this WAD. The beginning title was a nice touch. Ammo was tight, but it's supposed to be to keep it challenging, isn't it? --MechWarrior Jake Prydex

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