Title: Planeta opic
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/apes.zip
Size: 121.11 KB
Date: 12/30/05
Author: to obtain permission to upload.
Description: A challenging and fairly large map.
Credits: Mr.XXXovi for beta testing.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor
Rating: (11 votes)
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It's good, but in some points there's not enough ammo and there's something that not convinces mex
Weird map. Didn't find a chainsaw, but didn't need one. I got stuck in a non-damaging unescapable pit though, so 2/5.x
Fait en 3 vie a UV en 26:27 100%kills - 4/5 - Eye'sx
Oh well it has some okay fights but the design is rather random. It's also not very challenging, and sawing demons to save shells is not too satisfying. The berserk pack should've come earlier in the map. 2/5 - Belialx
Some challenging battles. Good lift to an end. Some necessary places looks like secret places, so I have some problems to find them. 3/5 -Damnedx
Good battles, kinda tiring though,having me search around to find the exit.x
Good battles.x

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