Title: Den of the Apollyon v0.51
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/apollyon.zip
Size: 141.95 KB
Date: 03/26/98
Author: DrBishop (AKA Adam Bishop), deimos
Description: Apollyon.zip is but two levels so far. The original was for Doom and was done in 1996 so the code is kinda all of over the place now. Doom2 offers a few enhancements so I decided what was never originally made public should at last appear, only this time as a Doom2 episode.

Each level is both single and multi player oriented and in the next version will have skill levels. Only the title graphic has been changed so far but I'd like to play around with a few doors and such like cos I think it could improve playability. I'd also like new music for the entire episode and some cool multiplayer demos soon.
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This is Map01 and Map02. Map01 gets off to a good, hectic start, but inexplicably has far too much health, and seems to fall apart as it goes along, with large empty spaces and intermittent action. Map02 is more solid but impossible to finish without IDCLIP, because the linedefs of a pair of doors are the wrong way around. A curious mixture of decent gameplay and unsatisfying execution.x

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