Title: Arena Of Destruction 2
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/ar_dest2.zip
Size: 77.44 KB
Date: 07/22/95
Author: Rainer "Magic Eye" K.
Description: My friend Schorsch complained that my first level, AR_DEST1.WAD hadn't enough Arch-Viles (only 3!) So I got the idea to make a level where you won't run out of Arch-Viles and other Critters... In Arena Of Destruction 2, YOU can decide how many Arch-Viles, Cyber Demons and others appear... Just press the right button! A lot of other Deathmatch-levels are boring, because they are too big, and once you have played them, you get bored (I made one like this, too! But it was my first one) The storage can also be emptied at once, but I don't recommend it... How? Find it out! There is a second set of switches awaiting to be discovered... Can´t find it? Write me!
Credits: *Schorsch, for giving me the idea and for "schwalling mich zu" with junk. *Lutz, for having the best games-shop in Germany! *Jack A. Vermeulen, for supporting me patiently with information about DeeP.
Base: New level from scratch. For the maze, I first drew a map.
Build time: The centre place and the monster depot took me one day, the surroundings another and on the third day (today), I made everything all right. Schorsch got a Beta-Version, but he just said that the level is shit. So I released it without beta-testing. I rely on you: If you have any bug-reports, comments or suggestions, send me a message! I will answer.
Editor(s) used: I used DEEP 6.11 and 7.01, the best editor in the whole universe!
Bugs: -I spent much time to get all the bugs out. So I hope there aren't any left. If you still spot one, feel free to send me a message. -The level won't crash any more because of too many 2S-Linedefs. (This happened sometimes in ARENA!) If it should happen although, put the detail to low (F5) -Don't beam up too many beasts. DOOM gets too slow. Try a lower difficulty level.
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Liar The Monsters are already in the level and you dont choose how many monsters you want but the map design is good 1/5x

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