Title: AXE2
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/axe2.zip
Size: 48.96 KB
Date: 01/15/97
Author: Anthony Connor.
Description: Set in a Building here on Earth, owned by the Infamous U.A.C Corparation, who with your efforts have become one of the leading ,and Biggest, buisness, in the galaxy. You have orders, that .......There Back !!!!!!!!!! "Oh no. Not again", you say to yourself. You still bare the scares from your last encounter.Hay wait a minute, didn't you Destroy Hell !!!!!! So you grab your trusty Pistol, and look forward into the dark corridors of what lies ahead. I have made a few changes in this new version.
Credits: Id Software, (because I have always wanted to write that.). God, (No reason necessary), all my mates Greg Harper, (who showed me how Deu worked, and got me on-line), Jason Byrne, (Whom introduced myself to Doom1 and 2, and thus as a natural progression, I bought a Computer, just to play the Game), Deu Raphael Quinet, Bsp Colin Reed. DCK Bob Morris.
Base: New level from scratchy poo.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu, Bsp, Dck.
Bugs: Non, at all, and if you find any you must of put it there. Deu2 runs out of memmory. Hmmmmm I think someone should fix this.
Rating: (6 votes)
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another classic gem from axe series...looks bland visually(in 2016) but design and gameplay is still plain solid...x
This is from November 1996. I haven't played any of the other AXE levels. The music is from Map18 and Map27. It's a good, tough level; compact, with a no-nonsense design, several good traps and fights. Ammo balance spot-on. A slime pit baffled me for a bit; you have to find a secret (it's pointed out with a lit arrow - not that one, another one). Surprisingly easy final battle. It's a good example of a plain-looking level that's great fun to play.x
A classic -- tough, exciting, scary. I forget from which map the music is (MAP27?), but the soft yet spooky music is the perfect match. Hats off to our friend Mr. Connor from down under.x

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