Title: Blue Lagoon
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/b_lagoon.zip
Size: 73.19 KB
Date: 09/26/09
Author: Roger Rice
Description: First level for Doom II
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
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Bugs: Watch for Visiplane error in the Blue Lagoon area. If you experience this error please let me know. If you have a solution for this problem I would appreciate advice. Thanks.
Rating: (6 votes)
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This is dated January 1995. It has nothing to do with the film, more's the pity - although I want to stress that the thought of a naked, underage Brooke Shields in no way appeals to me at all. The level is a simplistic, angular, buggy mess that looks every one of its fifteen years old, but there are 257 baddies and a fair amount of action so it's not too bad. Very mazey, wandery, ends with a particularly poor close-quarters cyberdemon battle.x
NOT too bad for 1995 level, but... just boring and I have shitload of HoMs... 2/5 - playerlinx
Well, okay for such an old one. But yes you really notice the 1995ness. x
2/5 _JOKERx
I liked itx
Wow! You can really tell this is a 1995 wad. Invisible tele-porter lines, blue poison, visiplane errors... lets just say, unless your bored, leave this. 2/5x

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