Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/bigroom2.zip
Size: 33.75 KB
Date: 12/16/95
Author: James Williams
Description: MAP01 for Doom II
Credits: My brother Andy for playtesting.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinDEU32 5.24
Bugs: Can't find any; BUT?!
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is dated December 1995. You fight 84 monsters in a simple level that's hard to really hate; it starts off with the big room of the title, and there are some corridors and rooms around the edge that have keys in. Texture misalignments abound. The layout is very crude, but the gameplay is decent, with a fair amount of action and traps, made easy by the load of plasma cells you get. Overall it's a bog-standard level, fairly painless, below average.x

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