Title: Blood Reactor
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/bloodreactor.zip
Size: 177.2 KB
Date: 08/17/19
Author: Jesse Bollinger ("FruitOfTheDoom" on DoomWorld)
Description: Blood Reactor is a single vanilla Doom 2 level designed to be short and fun. It features 6 secrets, plus a few pseudo-secrets. All of the weapons are available. It is intended to be challenging but not frustrating. It has high variety, low tedium, and careful use of map layout, lighting, and gameplay to create a tight and polished experience.

The theme/story of the level is that you've infiltrated a "blood reactor" (an energy fusion power plant fueled by blood instead of nuclear fusion) in hell and need to shut it down to hinder hell's energy resources and then to escape out through the sewage system of the reactor.

I hope you enjoy it!

For reference, the available secrets are: (1) the invisibility powerup room, (2) the super shotgun, (3) the BFG room, (4) a smarter way to handle the BFG room, (5) the soulsphere room, and (6) the rocket launcher. Try to see if you can get them all without cheating! Some are easy to find and some are hard.
Credits: The original creators of Doom and the Doom modding community, for creating such a fun game and such useful and easy-to-use tools.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 7 days
Editor(s) used: GZDoom Builder (Bugfix) R3067
Bugs: It is possible to get the rocket launcher after you are no longer supposed to be able to, due to a quirk in how vanilla Doom treats linedefs that aren't visible anymore but can still be activated.

Fixing this without changing my level design in vanilla doom seems to maybe be impossible. Maybe I'd have to use ACS scripting to fix the bug, but that would reduce vanilla Doom compatibility.

Also, the par time and level name shown on the stats page upon completion are wrong.

Also, monster AI doesn't always behave in exactly the way I intended it to, but there's a limit to what I can do with vanilla Doom.
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