Title: Both rough and insane (Brain)
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/brain.zip
Size: 249.05 KB
Date: 08/06/99
Author: Louis and Danny Witters, also Linda.
Description: This is a first trial in the DOOM field. The WAD is maybe not the best one, but in any case, don't forget to collect as much as posible all the items, as you certainly need them.
Credits: ID people Wadauthor; Williston Consulting Creators of Wintex
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: 3 months and two days ( only during holidays and week-ends)
Editor(s) used: Wadauthor,WinTex 3.4
Bugs: No bugs (not sure about level 7, as I did not have time to test)
Rating: (2 votes)
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These levels are vintage 1994, but from 1999. They're initially gratifying, because there's a massive amount of health and ammo, and it's just a constant slaughter of enemies. But after three or four levels it gets very dull. The design work and textures etc are straight out of 1994/1995.x
"Both rough and insane" is false advertising. Too much ammo makes it much too easy and therefore boring. I gave up in the room filled with battery packs that has yet another invincibility and yet another soulsphere. x

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