Title: Escape from the Cape!
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/capefear.zip
Size: 67.41 KB
Date: 03/29/95
Author: Jeff Ross
Description: You just needed some peace and quiet, so you you decided to take your vacation bass- fishing in the Congo. While there you uncover the Lost City of Zinj. Your adventure takes you deep into the heart of a Nazi compound, and you begin more and more to feel like Dr. Jones.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Deu, Tbsp, bsp1.2, Reject 2.1, WinDeu
Bugs: None. But let me know...
Rating: (5 votes)
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Ok, it's an early map, and the author tried to put some originality into it. It's a Nazi base with bad-taste texturing, populated by SS-Troopers, Imps and Demons. You can see, how the maker of this tried to avoid linearity and monotony, but the result doesn't pose as an integral whole, but a strange tutti-frutti-bag. To make long words short: it's easy and ugly, but there are worse maps. 1.5/5 -Milianx
Nothing special, but OK.x
Um, who the hell wrote that last review? This map is actually very good. ****x
Who the hell wrote that last review? This is one of the shittiest wads I've ever seen!x
Very Good WAD!x

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