Title: The Castle
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/castle.zip
Size: 2.05 MB
Date: 07/21/95
Author: Brent Hedden
Description: Somehow getting inside an old English castle, you must find you way out to freedom. Can you survive the underground maze? Will you get out alive?
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Waded , DoomCAD, Deutex - I also used Sequencer Plus Gold and Cubase to write the music, and Pain Shop Pro 3 for graphics manipulation.
Bugs: One of the wall looks fucked up in the maze section - I couldn't figure it out, but that's not a big deal. BIG DEAL - for some odd reason I can't figure out, the monsters in the courtyard can shoot you through the walls, just don't stand in one place for very long.
Rating: (4 votes)
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This is dated July 1995. It's yet another castle-style map, this time loaded with lots of random textures and sounds, none of which adhere to a coherent design theme. The design is odd and very occasionally clever (the spiral alcove thing was okay). Unfortunately it's too slight; the first half is just a couple of corridors and an outdoors bit, and the second half is a tedious dark maze that slows the (minimal) gameplay to a crawl.x
Crap. - 1/5x
It may not work...x

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