Title: Cavebase.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/cavebase.zip
Size: 21.05 KB
Date: 12/10/97
Author: Skeletonmaster
Description: You are in a cave base, you start out in the
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: 3 hours
Editor(s) used: WADED 1.83, Dmapedit 1.4, DCK 3.62
Bugs: NONE
Rating: (2 votes)
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A Short and basic map with no healing kits and tight ammo...looks like first attempt or speedmap as readme said 3 hoursx
This is dated December 1997. As per the readme it feels more like one man's first go with switches and trigger lines rather than a proper level, but it's not bad fun; it just seems very dated, even for 1997. You fight 79 weak baddies that tend to emerge from lifts that descend from the ceiling. It's a competently designed underground cavern. Doesn't really stand out from hundreds of other levels.x

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