Title: CBSI
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/cbsi.zip
Size: 83.9 KB
Date: 05/03/01
Author: Dave Haxton
Description: My old workplace - now bankrupt and defunct! Enjoy the trailers and BEWARE - not all is as it appears.... the first building (R & D) was a gas station once uponn a time. Look for the sump under my old office....
Base: New from scratch / Modified (name of original file)
Build time: about 80 hours
Editor(s) used: Deu, Tbsp, bsp1.2, Reject 2.1, WinDeu
Bugs: none that I've found
Rating: (2 votes)
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This is dated November 1997. There is a small introduction level and a second level that is the meat in the sandwich. They are "my office" levels, better than most, but still sub-average on an objective scale. They are full of tiny undetailed rooms, and they are cramped, but there are lots of monsters and they don't take very long to finish. They have a thrown-together feel, i.e. random Nazis, a silly cyber/spider fight.x

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