Title: Alpha Centauri
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/centauri.zip
Size: 2.11 MB
Date: 06/06/20
Author: Nicolas Monti
Description: Doom2 episode using doom1 stock textures plus alpha textures. I put more emphasis in lighting this time.
Credits: Salt-Man Z Melodica Lila Feuer Austinado Gifty antares031 Philnemba DuckReconMajor _Mud ReaperAA NaturalTvventy TheOrganGrinder RedNeckerz Mary elend Tango Firedust HAK3180 Andromeda Valboom yakfak Catpho RonniejamesDiner Deadwing TheNoob_Gamer Xaser Walter confetti gaspe Nirvana grrfield elmo792 plums

For playtesting, pointing out bugs, giving support and valuable criticism, helping to a more polished final version.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 4 months total on and off.
Editor(s) used: Doombuilder2, Slade, Doomword.
Bugs: several slime trails might appear
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