Title: Cathedral of Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/church2.zip
Size: 45.45 KB
Date: 08/12/96
Author: J. Brown
Description: My 2nd Doom level Also, check out steps.wad
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WinDEU 5.24
Bugs: Occasional VisPlane overflow shouldn't effect play but save often
Rating: (3 votes)
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This map was a masterpiece. 5/5x
This is dated November 1995. It's Map27. It's basically a castle-style level; like all the others, if you run round the back of the castle, you get lots of weapons, a BFG, tonnes of ammo. The building is huge, but there are only 36 enemies. There's an irritating crushing ceiling trap. The level is a little bit atmospheric, but easy. The level also has a swastika, which probably means that it's illegal for the German mirror to host it.x

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