Title: The Citadel
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/citadel1.zip
Size: 116.8 KB
Date: 02/22/08
Author: Max Parokonny
Description: It is called Citadel for two reasons. One is because it is on the level map which is called Citadel, and second is because its a castle. Now your job is to clear it from those nasties and zombies so try it out and save the Citadel.
Credits: The author of DEEP and HEEP, Probably the best Doom II / Heretic editor. And Id Software for an exelent game.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: -
Editor(s) used: DEEP, a new powerful, Dos, Doom2 editor
Bugs: None
Rating: (4 votes)
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It was a meh map. I just couldn't get into this map. 2 out of 5.x
It's OK, but not more than that.x
its okay. its like a lower quality doom 2 level. do the floors that constantly raise and lower use a lot of cpu power? --z34chris 2/5x
sounds good... but is it?x

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