Title: Coadjutor to the Stars.
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/coad.zip
Size: 116.89 KB
Date: 02/18/09
Author: Colin Mitchell aka 'Radtard'
Description: A single-player/cooperative map. Mainly, a space- base theme with a quarry and some nukage to even it out. Something I made in my spare time a long time ago.
Credits: id
Base: theme with a quarry and some nukage to even it out. Something I made in my spare time a long time ago.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadED.
Bugs: None.
Rating: (10 votes)
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Started ok but lost it a bit and turned to be a quite strange wad to me. Bugs and too many switches turned it down somewhat. x
The map started out okayish, but getting to those switches got confusing as Hell. 1 for effort though.x
A lot of buttons, for a moment I was confused. But quite nice level anyways. 4/5 - Optimusx
Can make an invisible floating bridge but this map suffers from box syndrome? Well its not bad, but nothing special that other '90s maps all have. :/x

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