Title: CompUSA
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/compusa5.zip
Size: 81.93 KB
Date: 02/03/06
Author: Unknown
Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (3 votes)
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Fait en 30min09sec à fast UV en 32 vies - 3/5 - Eye'sx
Yet another early wad based on a real-life location, in this case a computer shop in Hicksville USA. It has toilets, like all these early wads. It's better than the above review suggests - there are lots of monsters and its hectic - but it is still a very generic early supermarket/office/w orkplace-style map.x
Really fun! Great idea a store full of weapons. I love a special ocasion in a room with shotgun troopers and an archvile behind. I went into a really funny loop where I was constantly killing (for more than 20 times) a shotgun trooper who was constantly being resurrected by the archvile, ahahaha!!!x

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