Title: Charming Castle
Filename: levels/doom2/a-c/crmgcstl.zip
Size: 117.51 KB
Date: 03/22/23
Author: volleyvalley
Description: After the demonic invasion, you scoff at a small, but a rather charming castle, because it has seemingly been completely untouched by the hellish corruption, so one night, the curiosity got the better of you, so you grabbed your pistol with a few mags and you head straight into the castle to investigate...
Credits: Huge thanks to Biodegradable, Cass "Owly" Python, Zorngottes and Julia Nechaevskaya for playtesting this map and pointing out many descrephancies during the beta testing of the map.

Special thanks to Adam Duży for giving me an really in-depth analysis of my map and for teaching me how to auto-align in UDB! The same amount of praise goes out for Snowy for helping me to test the deathmatch area, for pointing out some mishaps in the area, and for providing a good challenge in deathmatch. If you accidentally stumbled upon the opening demo, that's the two of us fragging eachother, with me being green, while Snowy being indigo. It was a really fun session, with Snowy winning with 64 frags while I got a wimpy 51. If you think we were playing poorly, then you're correct, but just keep in mind, that our connection was spotty to say the least, mostly due to my really crappy router. (for reference, I'm from Estonia and Snowy is from Poland.)
Base: New level from scratch.
Build time: Six days, on and off.
Editor(s) used: Ultimate Doom Builder and SLADE.
Bugs: None that I know of. If you find any, please email me!
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