Title: Deliverance (version 2)
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/deliver.zip
Size: 1.11 MB
Date: 02/16/00
Author: Chris Lloyd
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Dmapedit, dmgraph, deutex, Paintshop-pro Lviewpro, mid2mus, wave studio
Bugs: Sometimes the monsters don't attack. A sky shimmer at main door of level 3.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Minisode consisting of 3 really atmospheric maps. Gotta say though navigation gets pretty hairy. agony.wad by the same author is quite similar to this one.x
Pretty good overall, and easy to play. Great use of special effects as wellx
I disliked these three levels. You can only progress by finding unmarked switches on the walls; which means you have to run along the wall hitting "use", as if you were playing Wolfenstein. And there's far too little ammo on UV. You end up shooting imps with a pistol, which is tedious. On the positive side, it looks good.x
some texture mistakes and a few very anoing comandos(chain gunners) but its not too bad so ill give it a 3 x

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