Title: DEM.WAD
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dem.zip
Size: 503.75 KB
Date: 09/15/96
Author: Donald E. Messer
Description: Congratulations, you've beaten the huge demon at the center of hell. Now you must find your way back out. The demons watched you coming in, and have learned your tactics and weaknesses. They know where you are. The hordes of them present when you destroyed the Icon of Sin are prepared.

This is a series of levels for DOOM ][ designed to be challenging for even the most experienced players. My standard of difficulty is that I should be able to complete the level on Ultra-Violence about half the times I attempt it. On level 18, my standard was that I had to be able to complete the level.

This work was begun in November 1995, and additional levels have have gradually been added. Levels are designed for single-player, Cooperative, and Multiplayer modes. Level 8 has one bug: for some reason monsters have a bad tendency to disappear in the initial stages of the level. This seems to be due to the large amount of monsters which the com- puter must maintain, for once the Arch-Viles and several other creatures are killed, the problem goes away.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DoomEd 4.2 (shareware version) by Geoff Allan
Rating: (16 votes)
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Excellent gameplay on some good maps. Only the last one is too hard.x
These are a bunch of hideously ugly levels. There's no interesting architecture or captivating atmosphere to speak of. The only thing going for them is the hard as nails gameplay. Too bad that hard does not equal good. The gameplay isn't interesting or fair like in Hell Revealed. 1 star.x
These maps aren't the greatest looking and have some (sometimes serious ex:map05)faults.But gameplay is extreme fun.I'm sure the doom monsters feel at home in most of these maps. The uncommon use of powerups, the weapons and search for them, the restless monsters, environmental hazards all add to unusual great gameplay. Even with out great skills (but with great nerves) you can finish 1/3 of the maps in the first run. Others are hard or deceiving (06) if you don't know them. 5/5 coldfusio x
worce!? WTF: This simpleton as good at English as Mr. Messer is at building DOOM wads! 1/5 -jbx
Holy crap, this is brilliant!x
it starts out ok but as it goes on it gets worce and worce x

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