Title: Demon Headquarters
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/demonhq.zip
Size: 189.77 KB
Date: 10/04/96
Author: William Lawson
Description: A very large and complex level. Find out where Demons live, work, and play
Credits: Geoff Allan(Maker of DOOMED), id and Microsoft for making the best OS ever so I can run the all new DOOM95 and QUAKE when it comes. Also to id.
Base: : New level from scratch
Build time: Ages
Editor(s) used: DoomEd 4.2
Bugs: None
Rating: (5 votes)
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Sort-of house with a lot of rooms, all about as basic as possible. The use of only a few textures is a complete ambiance-killer. Monster placement is primitive, and gameplay is something you can expect from a first map far before any alpha-status. Overall this presumably enthusiastically created map is not really horrible, but as-is too far below meh for getting 2*.x
Wad claims that monsters live in apartments just like we do. So it's basically a HOUSE.WAD but with a plot twist that makes you perceive things slightly differently. The texuring is very very boring/uniform and I have no idea how are you supposed to fight all these bastards with no ammo. Some interesting new graphics.x
This has an unmarked secret exit, which therefore leads you to the same level, requiring you to do it again, for no serious reason. Garbage. printzx
This is an entertaining, crude-looking old level. Contrary to the readme, it's fairly small. There are 130 mostly weak monsters, many of which infight, and you have a chainsaw plus absolutely masses of health, and a couple of BFGs. There's a dearth of ammo in the second half, and you'll probably end up BFG-ing chaingunners. It's marred by some stairs that are almost impossible to walk down (you bash your head) and bland, uniform textures. Very average.x
How are you supposed to beat a map when you're not given any ammo? * -sargebaldyx

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