Title: DethLands
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dethland.zip
Size: 258.65 KB
Date: 03/23/96
Author: danC00L
Description: abnormally large level, it replaces map01. I think it's a pretty fuckin' hard level. My friend, Jeff Paulsen took 4 days to beat it completely, and he's one of the best DooM players in this county. I for one hate when people make up long, epic stories for their wads, so I won't go into anything like that.
Credits: I owe no one! NO ONE!! oops, was that out loud?
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: many tedious long hours of hard and toilsome work
Editor(s) used: DEU2c, Windeu v5.25, Wintex v4.3, Deth v3.8x, BSP, Zennode, and ESPECIALLY DCK
Bugs: This doesn't really effect anything, but when the daemon is loading, its gives a rather weird message.
Rating: (5 votes)
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Needs more health or rad-suit. Had to punch my way a lot in the middle and got lost too. Couldn't have done it without saving often.x
Not really "abnormally large": took me under 10 minutes to complete. Pretty simple but not ugly design, satisfying action. Contains a fair bit of forced running on nukage so a good part of challenge comes from having to maintain enough health to do these parts. At the end you're suddenly given a bunch of powerups for no real reason. Don't go up on the spider lift, you'll get stuck.x
bah! x

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