Title: dickie02.WAD, issue 2.
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dickie02.zip
Size: 72.3 KB
Date: 04/11/98
Author: Richard Wiles
Description: Issue 1 Although this is my second release, its the first wad that I completed to my satisfaction. Went back to it recently and added a few lighting effects. I also pinched the sky from "plutonia" to give a 'bright & breezy' feel.

This level is 214kb when unzipped.

(Issue 2) Many thanks to those who e-mailed me ref Issue 1. This issue has removed that terrible bug at the start (how annoying). I have also changed the sky - less garish than before.
Credits: My girlfriend Ness, for tolerating my obsession with this project. id for doom - best game ever!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Ages....
Editor(s) used: Doomcad6.1, DMapEdit (for node building).
Bugs: None - I hope!
Rating: (10 votes)
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Probably two levels here, which are mechanically linked together with blue door as border. In both are too blended texture selection on my taste - cave, metal, wood, redbrick etc. Don't look as wad by famous mapper either (but little better than dickie01). Early ssg grab is quite annoyingly tricky, because you shall need to skip twice two barons on a narrow ledge. *** /hthx
This is from 1998. I haven't played any of the others in the series. This one gets off to a poor start, with a dark cavern maze that sickens me. It improves considerable when you get outdoors, and continues to get better as it goes along. It's done in a Doom II style, which is unusual, as most levels seem to be inspired by Doom I. Nice balance of health, ammo, and monsters, bit too many "chaingunner balconies". Becomes very good by the end.x
Although technically not as good as later entries in the series, dickie2 has a special kind of atmosphere, which makes it one of my favorites. This map was released in 1998, but it has that old-school 1995 feel, without having the shortcomings of those old maps.x

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