Title: The DIG
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dig.zip
Size: 49.12 KB
Date: 05/27/02
Author: Oleg Rekutin
Description: This is a nice blast-away level with some good design elements and great areas. Be especially careful in the central island, it has some nice almost-270 degrees crossfire. Move around quick and don't stay in one place! A rather simple system of teleporters can get nasty and pretty surprising if you'll let some of those monsters on them.

This level was inspired by a LucasArts game called 'The DIG'. As far as I remember, it has five small islands around a big one and at certain points in the game you had to acheive certain things in order to send a ray of light (? not sure) from each island to the big center island.
Credits: id Software! Thanks for making Doom!
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: First WADED 1.74, then 1.83
Bugs: None. Very rarely, you might encounter a wierd vertical line or something like that: it's a result of not perfect node building. Otherwise, everything should be OK.
Rating: (4 votes)
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i liked itx
This is dated January 1997. It's a brightly-lit miniature town, broken into tiny little levels that you visit one at a time. It has a pleasant, old-fashioned design, and the monsters are packed fairly tight; against it, you have absolutely masses of health, and it seems unfair to put a power-up at the bottom of an inescapable pit. It's also yet another level where a cyberdemon spends his leisure time standing underneath a crusher.x

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