Title: diUJdi
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/diujdi.zip
Size: 120.1 KB
Date: 09/13/99
Author: Thomas Bringle
Description: Pwad for Doom2. This wad was designed to kill you even in "no monsters" mode. A bit too linear for some but if you like the "windy path w/lots of side trips" thing, this is for you.
Credits: Janek Bringle for help with monster placement, Renaud Paquay for Windeu32, Ben Morris for DCK, Colin Reed and Lee Killough for bsp23x, Jens Hykkelbjerg for rmb21, Ron Allen for his infinite patience and encouragement and Jeff Bringle (UJ) for the seed that grew this mess.

Base: New level from scratch.
Build time:
Editor(s) used: Windeu32, DCK
Bugs: The tutti-fruiti on one of the towers in the multiple tower room is on purpose. I thought it looked kewl.
Rating: (2 votes)
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this is kinda epic, weird 90's map with stuckable traps and puzzles, I used iddtx2 and save/load lotsx
Awful. "This wad was designed to kill you even in "no monsters" mode" as the readme says; basically it has a lot of inescapable traps, lava pits etc from a long-dead age of gamesplaying whereby you progress through the level by dying and then remembering next time to avoid the trap, turning Doom into a test of memory. Starts off badly, gets a bit better, but ultimately irritated me into deleting it.x

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