Title: Room of Doom
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dm2roo.zip
Size: 5.62 KB
Date: 12/30/05
Author: Patrick Mills
Description: This is my first Doom II level (well, first Doom level period), so don't get too mad if it sucks. It's only one room, but its's loaded with monster (2 Cyberdemons (started with on, but he usually died befor I got to him), 1 Arch-Vile, Cacodemon, Spider Mastermind, and a bunch of Hell Knights, Zombiemen, & Shotgun Men. Oops, don't forget the Wolfenstein Soldier (Hey, how'd he get in here?!?)...). I can't kill them all, but with how I play, that doesn't mean much... Signed in the bottom corner with dead bodies (initials).

Let me know how it is for a beginner level maker's creation. I'll make some better ones later after I get more practice(and figure out how to make doors that actually open. Don't know what I'm doing wrong...).

Base: New from scratch
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Rating: (8 votes)
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Bad King John
My first level was shit like this, but I didn't upload it here. It's one vast room full of monsters who mostly kill each other, with plenty of ammo and invulnerability. I got out with everything dead in under a minute. For no particular reason it is Map 2 which the non-standard txt file does not point out - oh wait, there are TWO txt files! x
I liked itx
Lol more retarded reviews. 1/5 for 'Mock value' I guess - Belialx
Come on, you can do a lot better than that!x
I'm getting mad at you because it Sucks.x
It's a big octagon as described in the readme; the one piece of detailing is a column with an exit switch, and it's misaligned. The readme is more entertaining than the level, because it is so snivelling and weak. This is the kind of person who was a magnet for school bullies, and probably enjoys provoking fights with his mother because he likes the idea of being hit by a woman.x

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