Title: The Downward Spiral
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dm2spi.zip
Size: 8.12 KB
Date: 12/30/05
Author: Patrick Mills
Description: My second Doom II level, called "The Downward Spiral" (Well, sort of a spiral). It's a little more complex than my first level, but it's still not easy to get lost. Please send me any comments (likes, dislikes, suggestions, questions, etc) so I'll have an idea what to do different for my next .WAD.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: About 2-3 hours...
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Rating: (7 votes)
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Fun map for killing monsters, somehow I managed to miss the BFG on my first playthrough.x
Actually not a bad wad, it was fun to play but not aesthetically pleasing.x
Lol what retarded reviews. It's just a crappy old wad, get over it. 1/5 - Belialx
The author of this wad, send a mail to loganmtm@hotmail.com . Let's talk.x
Nought stars. Pretty poor for 1994. Also, when an author writes "this is my first/second wad" or makes reference to this being an early wad, does he expect us to be impressed? Or to make allowances? I say balls to that; if the wad's no good I don't care if you're a cancer survivor or a cute kitten or Lee Marvin, the wad's no good. And that's all that matters.x
Starting... Take 3/0.x

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