Title: Delta Mu Mu (Doom Monster Machine) v 7.1
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/dmumu71.zip
Size: 318.69 KB
Date: 10/31/98
Author: Sparkle Tom
Description: This is no ordinary level. Originally this level was meant as a practice wad for Rich, my play- tester. He cajoled and suggested stuff ... kept on me about adding things and finally we came up with this. A nightmare and a themepark all in one. You pick the monsters to fight! You set up your own hell!

Rich is the one who really gets credit for this wad. The things you are about to witness herein were mainly of his making. He uses many techniques while mastering levels and this wad was made so he could hone each one. Circle straffing, reaction training, it's all here.

We were unsure about releasing this to the world. It's not your usual romp. After nearly a year in the making, however, it was decided to make my gift to Rich a gift to you as well. Enjoy.
Credits: ID

Alice Sham who sacrificed a game of Spades to bring you this fine entertainment.

Rich Sham, the real creator of this level, who is the finest playtester around, and an even finer friend.
Base: made from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED, BSP
Bugs: Because of sooo many monsters possible, you may get a few blinking creatures. No big deal.

Don't complain about textures here, t'was not the idea. It's ugly, and meant to be that way.
Rating: (6 votes)
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lol this is pretty crazy, and there is an exitx
awsome pretty darn good 41/5 four and a half - 2x
This is a concept level from October 1998. It pits you against 472 assorted baddies. You can release them in stages. You have all of the weapons and enough ammo to hold off the People's Liberation Army. As a conventional level it's a disaster (there's no exit), but then again it wasn't supposed to be conventionall; it's actually quite fun dodging around the mass 'o' baddies, and feels like a late Alien Vendetta map, albeit a pointless one.x
pretty darn good. Very helpful in mastering strafing. ~Csonicgox

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