Title: Doomer's Domain
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/doomer1.zip
Size: 159.97 KB
Date: 12/17/13
Author: Mr. Chris
Description: This was one of my oldest if the oldest maps I have released publicly. It is a bit tight in space but a fair amount of action in a Tech/urban textured level.

What is different with the tidied up release is fixing a few texture issues, 2 closed sectors and adding additional ammo and monsters to further balance out the map.
Credits: Ben Morris for DCK. id for the game and Codeimp for Doom Builder.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Unknown, probably 2 weeks?
Editor(s) used: DCK and later Doom Builder
Rating: (8 votes)
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Good, basic, no crap Doom - deserves more than 3.x
Typical large 1995-style 'Hé look my own map'-like level with all its flaws like no consistent theme, unfunctional rooms and architecture details, very much texture misalignments, a HOM, endless walking-around, and so on. But it does have some gameplay @ UV. Presumably regarded as great in 1995, but not nowadays. Play it if you're in a quite nostalgic mood and have some spare time, else skip it.x
Huge, sprawling complex in E2 style texturing. Music is repetitive so I used IDMUS03 (fits the slow pace of level). Not very hard, but fun to explore. The secrets in stats screen is broken unfortunately.x
good onex

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