Title: The Eagle
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/eagle.zip
Size: 22.76 KB
Date: 04/26/97
Author: David Donze
Description: This an awesome level with lots of action and puzzles.
Credits: The makers of Doom2, EdMap, and WARM
Base: New levels from scratch
Build time: Approx. 10 hrs
Editor(s) used: EdMap v1.4, WARM v1.1
Bugs: None (Email me if you find one)
Rating: (2 votes)
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Gimmicky but it's old so who cares. If you can't be bothered to play just use iddt. I thought it was cool at the time!x
This is a map shaped like a drawing of an eagle. It's a cheesy idea, but then again E3M2 of the original Doom was a hand, so there you go. In fact it feels like E3M2, with the detail stripped out, and it's more open-plan. The gameplay is just a lot of switch-hunting, and I ended up dodging past most of the monsters because I was too bored to fight 'em. It's a little bit more entertaining that way - a little bit - because of the infighting.x

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