Title: In Death's Embrace
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/embrace.zip
Size: 97.18 KB
Date: 01/11/03
Author: Patrik Höglund
Description: "Feeding angels with despair flameout's reigning everywhere And you need it so, you just can't let it go away" - "The Flameout", Soilwork

Since the Cave Imp campaign ended with the Nightwing miniepisode (even though a sequel was planned) I don't have any story to bother you with. It isn't worth writing anyway, since I assume that people that download doom files aren't interested in reading the text file that accompanies the WAD.

This is a tried-and-true industrial-style map much like my previous maps, perhaps a little more detailed sometimes. Out of more or less pure luck I managed to create some really great scenes. Much of that which went good was actually mistakes, a phenomenon you also can notice much in the history of sience. Even though this map is very linear in nature I think it is pretty immersive, and I hope you won't notice that I am using the same tricks and texture combinations that I have for several years now ;)
Credits: Christmas?
Base: New from scratch
Build time: ~30 hrs
Editor(s) used: DCK
Bugs: Yes, try to find them!
Rating: (6 votes)
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Another fun map from a talented mapper - and when I say "talented", I mean that in the Biblical sense, i.e. equating to six thousand denarii, which was a lot of money in those days, and could have bought you a slaves, private armies, houses and so forth, and wives. Bug/feature: you can get the 100% sphere in the first room with some fancy leaping. It's an entertaining map that's just a bit anonymous.x

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