Title: Entryway (version 1.2)
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/entryway.zip
Size: 54.42 KB
Date: 04/30/00
Author: Joe Pallai
Description: This will be the beginning of the PUREDOOM series, when I eventually finish it.
Credits: Richard "zdim" Carlson for play testing and posting Metal for doing the first and second reviews Id Software for making the coolest games Williston Consulting for making WadAuthor Ruud van Gaal for making DoomShell
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 100 hrs--give or take, I don't remember
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor
Bugs: Nope, let me know if you find any
Rating: (5 votes)
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I enjoyed playing this. To me, this is a prime example of an excellent quality early 2000's map. Fun gameplay. For the most part it has a fair item balance. I just wish there was at least a chaingun nearby during the beginning of the game. I found it a kind of challenging to use a pistol to attack a hoard of enemies at first. I'm not really big on crusher traps though. Other than that, great wad. x
I love oldschool stuff like this. Joe Pallai makes some damn fine stuff.x
It's an ok little map. 4/5 ~Joe Andersonx
This is an enjoyable, knockabout level from 2000, although it seems about five years older. The design is crude - the only modern-style detailing comes right at the end - but the gameplay is solid. It has a crushing trap that, for once, is actually pretty clever. The ammo balance is spartan, and oddly you get a load right at the end, although there's no boss monster; the author didn't continue the PUREDOOM series (he only has four maps in the archive).x

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