Title: Escape From Deimos
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/escape02.zip
Size: 225.42 KB
Date: 08/24/97
Author: Chris Christenson & Nicol Jarvie
Description: Follow up wad to Escape From Phobos, Can you now Escape From Deimos?
Credits: My wife Joanne and my kids Kurt & Kerri
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK, Wintex, BSP, RMB, Endoomer
Bugs: Minor HOM due to pushing the engine, and of course, quite a few misaligned textures.
Rating: (4 votes)
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^^ It's not entirely guesswork. Watch the movies "Escape from NY" and "Escape from LA" and play escape01.zip first. Remember what is written on the silver panels near the YK. Follow the rule "don't go back to the past" while choosing teleporters.x
Hard level to judge. Quite good for its time, and it looks and plays pretty well up until it's final "puzzle." Frankly, it's guess work and hopefully you get it right, otherwise you die or are trapped. Might be worth a try. -Snakesx

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