Title: Escape from Devil's Island
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/escape2.zip
Size: 59.39 KB
Date: 03/11/05
Author: Dan D. Luke
Description: I can't believe it--captured and locked up in monster prison! The freaks in here are so bad they can't even be allowed out with the REGULAR demons. They have to keep 'em in cages to protect the NORMAL mutants! Whoops, what's this? That guard took his eye off his shotgun...too bad sucker! A PWAD for DooM ][ that is designed principally for single play although co-op and deathmatch are supported.
Credits: Tom Neff for "Design11.FAQ"

Greg Cymbalist for "DEU for Idiots" ("I would never belong to a club that would have me for a member." -Groucho Marx)

Steve Bareman and Jean-Serge Gagnon for "DEUTUTOR"

The Un-Naturals (?) for "DEU 5.21"

Jack Vermeulen for TbsP 2.2
Base: New level from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DEU 5.21, TbsP 2.2
Bugs: None.
Rating: (7 votes)
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Awesome "water city". Good fights too, but finding the first key is a bit difficult (you need to find a secret switch first). I had to resort to looking in Doom Builder.x
This map is not overly hard and not overly beautiful either. But in the light of the time it was created, it's good work. It's mainly a collection of small, simple buildings, connected with each other by stony paths. The monsters are easy to medium hard, and overall it's a short but nice fun. 3/5 -Milianx
Doom2 is from 95 (94 even), so WTF?! Just play and enjoy ;)x
OMG let's play shoot the 9 year old!1x
Shut up! (enough?)x

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