Title: Fastkill-2
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/fastkil2.zip
Size: 43.86 KB
Date: 12/30/05
Author: to obtain permission to upload.
Description: A single map, of a "run the gauntlet" style.
Base: New from scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WadAuthor and NWT
Rating: (7 votes)
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Mostly maps actuly have nothing to do with their names.but this one goes with its title...no puzzles or route just run and gun like fastkill 1...in specific genre-bounding map is quite good... x
This is dated April 2000. It's the sequel to id=14065, which was decent but too short; in comparison, this isn't half as good. It starts off with an aggravating slime bit, and then you basically go down a linear track, blasting monsters hither and yon. There are only 61 baddies plus a spider boss (but you have a BFG). There's no room for strategy and it's not hard, even the final room, which you can easily chaingun snipe. And it looks horrible.x
Awesome action.x
Even more fun. 4/5 - Belialx
Wow! ACTION!!!x
Quite the adrenaline rush!x

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