Title: The Lava River Fortress
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/fortres2.zip
Size: 105.69 KB
Date: 07/27/96
Author: Jean-Pierre Brunod (Sir Jopper)
Description: This level belong to my newly-created "1500-shock" series. What does this means? These levels are about 1500 vertexes (!), There is generally new graphic in them, and sometimes new sounds and music. Hey, if you aren't good at DOOM, then don't play this. Or you will have to cheat...a VERY BAD thing! It is a PWAD created for 2-player (or more) games. I can play it even alone, but you? A description of this level: You escaped the sewers of the Fortress, only discovering you left them exiting the wrong side! (stupid...) Then you must return down to the sewers by activating an exiting switch within a hidden elevator on the "wrong" side (the start side). But that elevator is locked.... The you must return in the Fortress! Doom onto all you, stupid aliens, for I'm "Back For DOOM"!!! (Take This! -Copyright 94-95)
Credits: Raphael Quinet for DEU, Renaud Paquay and "the others of the DEU team", Tom Sanner, for...a great trap: You will discover it. Jens Hykkelbjerg and Steve Benner for RMB. Olivier Montanuy (remember me? I am the one who talks in the name of all the people in this good good (thanks to DOOM) Earth), for Wintex. Did I forget something? Oh yeeeeess... pb software...no...lk software...No. YES! I REMEMBER IT! IT WAS HG! (or yt?) No. Thanks to id software.
Base: New level from scratch (A trap by Tom Sanner)
Build time: I think it is 15 hours (and 56.00.56 seconds)
Editor(s) used: Windeu 5.24, Bsp 1.2x, RMB, +Wintex+ and +Deutex+ (editing graphic will never be again SO easy...)
Bugs: Of course no one! Listen to me, I worked on this 1500-shock level for 15 hours (and 56.00.56 seconds) and I had not the time to align textures. I'll soon make it, you should have the right version about in November (Hey, I must kill somebody else at Doom, and create a sequel.). If you find one, PLEASE E-Mail me, and I shall fix it in a moment. A bug that is not a bug: 'cause thise level is really large, it runs slow on slower machines.
Rating: (3 votes)
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The file is dated October 1995. Judging by the (unhinged) readme there were other levels in the series, but this is M. Brunod's only archive entry. The author is bullish about the level's size and difficulty, but it's really just an average-to-decent 1995 level. It's large, but there isn't much detail. There are lots of monsters, but there's no real challenge. It has one of those bits where you have to pick between several teleports, one of which is instant death.x

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