Title: fortress.wad
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/fortres4.zip
Size: 115.72 KB
Date: 03/12/06
Author: Jonathan Tourtellot
Description: You, and hopefully two or three friends are dispatched to put an end to the evil king and queen, tyrannical leaders who rule over your beloved country with an iron fist.

To accomplish this formidable task, you will have to stage a frontal assault on the tyrants' fortress.

The first section you come to, after leaving your base, is the gatehouse. On this other side of this little building lies the parade grounds, where troops frequently mass before moving into the capitol to terrorize citizens. Then, up the stairs and through the garden, where the Queen is known to spend a lot of her time with her handmaidens. Then on to the magician's bunker, where the hated wizards and their enchanted lackeys work their disgusting magics. Then, finally, having circumscribed the fortress proper and gained the keys, you may make your assault on the throne room.

Remember, the king has the only key that will let you leave once you enter the castle...

Because saving is impossible, and because this is a huge wad, set aside an hour or more to get through the whole thing.
Credits: Daniel Snyder for letting me use a machine with enough horsepower to compile and test out this monster.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: ~60 hours
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.2
Bugs: Saving causes DOOM II to crash (i.e. you cannot save). Needs a 586-level machine to run smoothly.
Rating: (7 votes)
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fun mapx
It's OK. A bit too easy though for sure.x
Boring, I hate this kind of map.x
it rocks!!!!!!!!!!x
Some funny slaughters. Too much ammo perhaps? (But I don't care ;) 3/5 - Optimusx
The starting room had me hoping for a good slaughter map. Instead I got a huge, empty, boring and shiteasy wad from 1997. 1/5 - Belialx

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