Title: FragFest
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/fragfest.zip
Size: 37.17 KB
Date: 10/03/99
Author: Robert Berkowitz
Description: A single-level Doom2 PWAD.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: About 10 hours
Editor(s) used: All the good editors for the MacIntosh:
Rating: (3 votes)
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This is a simple arena-style level; you start in the middle, and you progress outwards as if you were penetrating the layers of an onion from the inside. It has a certain stark visual style, but it's far too easy - you get loads of weapons, and it doesn't heat up until you reach the final slice (a pair of cyberdemons, but you're on a narrow catwalk). Overall it feels unfinished.x
Lol Two maps in the vote list with practically the same title. The other is a dm though. Okay little map.x
Too easy :] First attempt - 07:33 UVmaxx

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