Title: FRISCO v3.6 (it's a place near Breckenridge, CO)
Filename: levels/doom2/d-f/frisco36.zip
Size: 80.04 KB
Date: 10/25/98
Author: Sparkle Tom
Description: BIG and TOUGH .. Single/COOP is best, but DM starts are there. Why named Frisco you ask? Well, I created the thing whilst spending the summer there. I was working for an Englishman, living out of a Geo, and drinking microbrewed beer like it was going out of style! So ... I decided to share my hell with you. If you're ever in Frisco, CO - stop into The Computer Store (Frisco Mall) and let Derek or Rick know that their theivery is known by all (they steal CDs and peripherals).
Credits: Charles and the whole gang at work. My Austin playtester - who swoons at the notion of me using his name. The Shams - the one's who do the REAL work.

Created in loving memory of Squeak - the family dog who is still loved and missed by all.
Base: none - made from scratchola
Build time:
Editor(s) used: WADED/BSP/DeeP
Bugs: This revision (3.5) is bug free! - well, so far as I know. Gimme a shout if you find something because I do maintain my levels.

Please note .. this replaces FRISCO01.ZIP with bug fixes (no more HOM lines at random places), and has some surprises too.

No, there's no good reason that this is rev 3.5 and we start at ver 1.0. Don't get me started.
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Surprisingly not based on the person's place of work; yet this this is poor stuff. It's basically three large rooms. The second is the "meat" and consists of a lot of platforms that spell "the computer store". You flick switches to make them lower, monsters come out, you kill them... you kill them all. There's no style or panache, and it reminded me of E3M2 but worse. It is neither competent not tolerable nor tompetent.x

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