Title: Base DM #5
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/a-c/basedm5.zip
Size: 115.45 KB
Date: 01/28/99
Author: Sir Robin (Jani Saksa)
Description: Base style deathmatch level. Very small size. All skill levels have been included. They follow TeamTNT's good deathmatch rules.

Platforms with green lights are deathmatch spawn spots... I got the idea to make them while playing Quake 2 deathmatch.
Credits: Kurt Kesler. I borrowed few graphics from his WAD (KBoom #9). I also got some inspiration from his base-style levels to start my own base-style level pack. Well... Kurt's levels are single player, and these are deathmatch!

Id software for making the best 3d-shooter ever, and Q2 too.

Everyone in Efnet #doom2 I will kill you for making my phone bill so damn big!!!

Creators of Gothic DM.

And everyone else that I own thanks.
Base: New level from scratch
Build time: Didn't count!
Editor(s) used: DETH for the actual editing ZenNode for node-building WinTex for graphics and sounds NWT for few things that were hard or impossible to do with WinTex CleanWad for making the WAD smaller
Bugs: If you use a source port with jumping you might find a minor graphical flaw, but it's not really a bug because this level was NOT designed with jumping in mind. Also if the source port that you use doesn't support BooM's ANIMATED lump, then the water texture won't be animated (you don't notice that in the middle of battle anyway...).
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