Title: Blood Circuit Death Match 2
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/a-c/bldctdm2.zip
Size: 51.38 KB
Date: 10/24/21
Author: Reviver
Description: Prepare yourself, for what you have decided to witness is not exactly like what you have experienced before! Prepare to partake of the realized unity of blood and technology, in a domain that exists only for energy. . . . an area that fuels from the blood of the dead continuously, and then recycles the waste products. . . .

Prepare to enter the realm of Blood Circuit Death Match 2, an entirely new arena!

Can you stay alive for very long in an area such as this, that offers death, in one form or another, to those determined enough to enter it?

If you accept such a challenge, then know even more of what awaits you in this pre-destined environment:

Weapons: Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Chaingun.

Ammo for: Shotgun, Super Shotgun, Chaingun.

Items: (x1)Green Armor;Stim Packs;Medikits;(x1)Berserk Pack.

This level easily handles 2, 3, or 4 players. It has 10 Death Match starts.

If you enjoy this level, please do me a favor and share it with others whom have similar tastes in Doom 2 Death Match maps. I know this type of Death Match level is not going to please everyone who obtains BldCtDM2.wad. If you love this level, and grant me this favor, even if it's by word-of-mouth, I will be in your gratitude and you will have my appreciation.
Credits: Episode 1, Mission 5 provided initial inspiration to create a new level. Nostalgia for it brought me back to Doom 2 Deathmatch map construction.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: A little over 6 days, with much planning.
Editor(s) used: DeePsea, SLADE
Bugs: Doom 64's texture files will not load properly with vanilla Doom 2's functions. GZDoom and source ports more or less equal to GZDoom render those texture graphics without trouble.
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