Title: Castle Argh!
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/a-c/cstlargh.zip
Size: 91.86 KB
Date: 12/12/16
Author: El Tupi
Description: This is a deathmatch area. There's a castle with 4 corner towers. There's a moat around the castle. Inside on the bottom floor there is a maze at the center of which is the map's only megasphere. But, you have to press the button in one of the 4 corner towers to lower it. So... good luck with that.

The outside is open but with few items. The main weapons are in the towers. The maze and the inside ledges are filled with goodies.

All weapons are present except the BFG.

As stated elsewhere this map requires GZDoom and while it might run on other engines it will not play correctly without the bridges, ramps or the ability to jump.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: Around 20 hours
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder, GZDoomBuilder
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