Title: DFrag - Doom France Frag
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/d-f/dfrag1.zip
Size: 1.08 MB
Date: 01/28/21
Author: Original idea by Datacore, with the help of various members from the community.
Description: DFrag offers 14 maps of varying sizes, styles and gameplay types to provide the best entertainment possible during your slaughterfests. The current maplist is the following - Map01 "Inner Fear" by M'aiq Le Menteur - Map02 "Double Cour" by Subject_119 - Map03 "Back to the Roots" by ZyklonB - Map04 "Horhole" by Ch0wW - Map05 "Obey your aim" by Datacore - Map06 "Q3DM2 - House of Pain" by Jambon - Map07 "Of Blood and Guts" by Datacore - Map08 "SSG Furry" by FranckFRAG - Map09 "Decerebral Act" by FranckFRAG - Map10 "0-X Creation" by Oxyde - Map11 "Frite-11" by Ch0wW - Map12 "Radical" by Datacore - Map13 "The Symetries of Probability" by Necrotikflesh - Map14 "Allez hop" by JCD
Credits: - FranckFRAG who kindly created all the GFX elements. - Oxyde who finalized the wad and cleared most of the unnecessary junk. - Ch0wW for offering the server on which we beta tested the thing. - The authors of ZDaemon, Doom Builder and the other tools we have used.
Base: New from scratch
Build time: 2 months with a lot of inactivity.
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 1.68, Doom Builder 2, XWE, Slade
Bugs: As of yet, nothing should break the wad and the engine you play it on. Of course, if anything explodes, let us know. :)
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