Title: Dumb DeathMatch Map 01
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/d-f/dm_map1.zip
Size: 24.95 KB
Date: 07/02/20
Author: MARKUS20
Description: The big brain Spider Mastermind has come up with the most vile plan in existence. She trapped eight space marines in a cage, built a horribly ugly tech base that looked like a cat had fallen asleep on a keyboard while Doom Builder was on, and forced the marines to fight each other. What is even worse is that she ordered an Arch-Vile to rescurrect the marines as they ripped, melted, holed, punched, exploded and gored each other.

The map has four regular player starts (that are only for exploration of the map), eight deathmatch starts for each marine, two BFGs, Rocket Launchers and Super Shotguns, one every other weapon, a couple of backpacks and berserk kits, some ammunition, two secrets that are not tagged as secrets and an exit switch. (BTW, you can exit the map by crossing just thirteen sectors!)
Credits: Thanks to Robert Caskin "Bobby" Prince III for making The Imp's Song that is used on the map.
Base: that looked like a cat had fallen asleep on a keyboard while Doom Builder was on, and forced the marines to fight each other. What is even worse is that she ordered an Arch-Vile to rescurrect the marines as they ripped, melted, holed, punched, exploded and gored each other.

The map has four regular player starts (that are only for exploration of the map), eight deathmatch starts for each marine, two BFGs, Rocket Launchers and Super Shotguns, one every other weapon, a couple of backpacks and berserk kits, some ammunition, two secrets that are not tagged as secrets and an exit switch. (BTW, you can exit the map by crossing just thirteen sectors!)
Build time: One afternoon
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, Slade 3
Bugs: None
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