Title: Deathmatch Field -or- Field of Screams
Filename: levels/doom2/deathmatch/Ports/d-f/dmfield.zip
Size: 19.64 KB
Date: 08/31/00
Author: Nick Di Cresce (Arch`Vile)
Description: A big flat area floating somewhere.. just a deathmatch level recommended for lots of players. It'll support 32 players. Kefka suggested we just do a big flat area where there's no place to hide... just constant shooting heh
Base: From scratch
Build time:
Editor(s) used: DCK 3.62, WinTex 4.3 for music, CLEANWAD to reduce it a mere 300 bytes. Hurrah!
Bugs: Well sometimes the game crashes if you send projectiles through the sides. I have no idea... any solutions email me
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